1. 战略科技人才
• scientists and technologists in strategically important fields• talent in strategic science and technology
例句:培养造就一大批具有国际水平的战略科技人才、科技领军人才、青年科技人才和高水平创新团队。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)译文:We should cultivate a large number of world-class scientists and technologists in strategically important fields, scientific and technological leaders, and young scientists and engineers, as well as high-performing innovation teams. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)例句:要瞄准世界科技前沿,强化基础研究,实现前瞻性基础研究、引领性原创成果重大突破。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)
译文:We should aim for the frontiers of science and technology, strengthen basic research, and make major breakthroughs in pioneering basic research and groundbreaking and original innovations. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)3. 应用基础研究
basic research in applied sciences
例句:要加大应用基础研究力度,以推动重大科技项目为抓手,打通“最后一公里”,拆除阻碍产业化的“篱笆墙”,疏通应用基础研究和产业化连接的快车道,促进创新链和产业链精准对接,加快科研成果从样品到产品再到商品的转化,把科技成果充分应用到现代化事业中去。(摘自习近平在中国科学院第十九次院士大会、中国工程院第十四次院士大会上的讲话,2018年5月28日)译文:We will strengthen basic research in applied sciences, focus on major scientific and technological projects, remove obstacles in the process, speed up the application of research results in industries, bolster the precise docking of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, expedite the transformation of research results from prototypes to commercial products, and fully apply scientific and technological advances to our modernization drive. (from the speech at the joint session of the 19th Meeting of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Meeting of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, May 28, 2018)4. 关键共性技术、前沿引领技术、现代工程技术、颠覆性技术
key generic technologies, cutting-edge frontier technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies例句:加强应用基础研究,拓展实施国家重大科技项目,突出关键共性技术、前沿引领技术、现代工程技术、颠覆性技术创新,为建设科技强国、质量强国、航天强国、网络强国、交通强国、数字中国、智慧社会提供有力支撑。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)译文:We will strengthen basic research in applied sciences, launch major national science and technology projects, and prioritize innovation in key generic technologies, cutting-edge frontier technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies. These efforts will provide powerful support for building China’s strength in science and technology, product quality, aerospace, cyberspace, and transport, and for building a digital China and a smart society. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)5. 大科学计划、大科学工程、大科学中心
mega science initiatives, projects and centers例句:要高标准建设国家实验室,推动大科学计划、大科学工程、大科学中心、国际科技创新基地的统筹布局和优化。(摘自习近平在中国科学院第十九次院士大会、中国工程院第十四次院士大会上的讲话,2018年5月28日)译文:We will build national labs to the highest standards, and make optimal overall plans for mega science initiatives, projects and centers, and international innovation bases. (from the speech at the joint session of the 19th Meeting of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Meeting of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, May 28, 2018)6. 创新成果转化应用
the application of innovations
硬实力、软实力,归根到底要靠人才实力。Both hard and soft power are fundamentally based on strength in human resources.
创新之道,唯在得人。得人之要,必广其途以储之。Talented people are essential to innovation. We must expand the channels to build a large talent pool.